We use colourful and attractive packaging instead of brown paper bags
We choose snacks with limited sugar and preservatives
Every Friday your child will receive a yummy treat which your child will really look forward to!
Our Lunch Munch packs are different each day, making lunch less boring for kids
We offer tasty packs that your child will want to eat instead of wasting food
Our packs are filled with nutritious Carbohydrates, protein, minerals & vitamins, high fibre, and healthy fats which is vital for your child’s everyday eating plan
What’s awesome about our services?
We will deliver your child’s 20 day lunch bags to their school on the 1st school day of every month.
This means that payment will need to be made 5 days prior to the end of the month in order for us to get your Munch bunch packs ready and packed. The best part is there is no hidden delivery fees.
Once the Munch Bunch has been delivered to the school, we will send you an email to confirm delivery.
Munch Bunch works on a month-to-month basis
What’s in a Lunch Munch?
Our items are carefully picked with well-known brands that you can trust.
Each day your child will receive a variety of healthy snacks which will include some of the following:
Fruit juice / water per day
Dry wors
Provita Packs
Berry rolls
Cheese wedges
Cashew nuts
A variety of Health bars
A variety of Cereal bars
Flavoured mini rice cakes
Mini tennis biscuits
Gourmet Popcorn
A variety of Crisps
Digestive Biscuits
Mini Cheddars
Dried Cranberries
Mini Custard
Dried fruit
A variety of chocolates and gummy sweets for Fridays treat day!
Our list of snacks are always expanding and we are always on the lookout for healthy new foods to introduce into the snack packs.
We are offering you the fantastic price of only R600 for 20 snack packs to last the full month. This cost includes delivery to your child’s school on the 1st of each month. You can’t get a better price then that!
Payment will need to be settled via eft only. Once you have confirmed with us that you would like to make use of our services, we will send you an Invoice for payment. We will inform you as soon as we receive payment and your Munch Bunch will be ready for delivery.