Calling all mommies who are tired of spending hours each week, searching isle after isle, trying to find the right snacks for their child to take to school. The morning rush is always a nightmare for mommies to get lunches packed and ready while still trying to give your child a healthy and nutritious variety of snacks for the active day ahead.
We here to make your life so much easier, and with a very simple process!
Lunch Munch delivers 20 days of pre-packed and healthy snacks for every day of the week to your child’s school. Our snack packs consist of a juice / water per day as well as 3 to 4 nutritious snacks to keep your child energized and fully satisfied for the duration of the day. Each pack is colourfully marked for each day of the week (Monday – Friday). We cater to kids of all ages, from toddlers to teens.